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The Green Transition Business Competition Rules

  1. The competition is intended especially for young, growth-oriented and innovative companies, whose product or service is ecological. The organisers can decide on a case-by-case basis if a company that deviates from this general rule can participate in the competition. The company’s registered office must be located in Finland.
  2. Companies that were founded no later than the previous year can participate in the competition. The company can be no more than 15 years old. Business ideas that are essentially based on the business idea of another company already operating in Finland may not participate in the competition. The organisers of the competition decide the company’s right to take part in the competition on a case-by-case basis. In its decision making process, the organisers take into account the stage of the company’s business, financing, environmental impact as well as other aspects they deem essential. The purpose of this procedure is to secure equality between competitors. The decision cannot be appealed.
  3. Contest participants must have intellectual property rights to their products/services.
  4. Only those companies that have submitted the application correctly and provided any additional information requested can be awarded.
  5. The competition participants are obliged to preserve, and at the organisers’ request to resubmit, their competition application until the award ceremony. The organisers may also request additional information necessary for the evaluation process.
  6. The competition’s jury selects the award candidates and the winner/winners. The decisions cannot be appealed. If there is any ambiguity related to the rules of the competition, the jury has the final say.
  7. The organisers of the competition, the members of the jury and all parties who process the competition applications sign a non-disclosure agreement. Biocluster Finland cannot be held responsible for possible breaches of the non-disclosure agreement. In such cases, the dispute is between the participant and the person who signed the non-disclosure agreement.