Biocluster Finland took part in European Cluster Conference that was held in Prague from 26 to 28 September 2022
Biocluster Finland was accepted as a member cluster of European Cluster Collaboration Platform (the European online hub for industry clusters) in September 2022.
The Conference focused on challenges relating to how to reinforce clusters’ role and added value in the implementation of the updated EU Industrial Strategy, as well as in other core European initiatives that impact the industry. The event brought together cluster policymakers, managers, practitioners and investors. Approximately 900 people from all over Europe took part in the event to discuss topics related to the updated EU Industrial Strategy and its implementation on the ground.
A video of the event can be found in
The Conference was centred on cluster policies and initiatives concerning building resilience and the concrete implementation of green and digital transitions in Europe’s value chains. The participants also discussed how clusters can contribute to the rollout of Transitions Pathways in various industrial ecosystems, making clusters and their joint efforts the core actors of change, in line with the updated EU Industrial Strategy.
19 October 2022